Financial Signals: Designer Handbags, Nude Models, Women and Investing

This week’s key strategic tips have been gleaned from my Feminine Wealth TV interview with global economic strategist Dr. Pippa Malmgren. Having previously been a key adviser to The Bush Administration in the US, Dr. Malmgren currently advises some of the worlds largest investors, is an savvy femtrepreneur herself and has just authored a new […]

how to pick the right advisers
How To Pick The Right Advisers

I am a big believer in advice. I know that in anything in life it is always easier when you have a mentor, adviser or some form of coach ……. As long as you pick the right one for you! But how do you know who is right for you? It can be very frustrating […]

The Power of Great Advice

I was doing an interview with Wendy Mak the other day for my Feminine Wealth TV show and we were talking about her ‘Just hit GO’ philosophy in both business and in life. It’s a philosophy I love and personally subscribe to also. Unfortunately after the interview I felt a bit ruffled because the truth […]

hidden money
Have you found your hidden money today?

Ever feel like no matter how much you try to be conscious with your spending, use the latest apps and trackers to keep your wallet in check or smack yourself on the hand for wandering into the latest designer handbag store, you just can’t seem to stop the money bleed? I hear you girlfriend! I’ve […]