Social Enterprises: Making Money While Making Change

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This week on Feminine Wealth TV I had the pleasure of interviewing the very inspiring and very courageous Kathy Wong, Founder of ‘purchase with purpose’ brand Moeloco (means ‘Dream Crazy’) – a social enterprise that is gaining success at the intersection of business and making money while making change at the same time.

Kathy is a serial entrepreneur, having founded and run several businesses. Her desire with Moeloco is to create a heart centered community of engaged individuals wanting to be the change they see in the world. She believes in the power of an individual and how each individual can impact anothers life. Her own personal dream crazy is to eliminate poverty through Moeloco flip flops which leave positive messages in the sand whilst giving a pair of shoes to a child living in poverty.

What I loved about interviewing her was not just her passion for this dream crazy journey and mission she is on but the impressive and strategic way she has gone about building it.

Among other things I discovered:

• How she listened to her inner calling and got past the fear of taking on an industry and mission she had no experience in.
• The simple 3 stage approach she took to build interest in her product and sales to support the business & the cause.
• Why she is turning her back on the ‘big boy’ distribution channels and why it’s the cleverest strategy I have heard in a long time.

Prefer to read? See full transcription below!

Barbara Turley: Hi there. I’m Barbara Turley and you’re watching another episode of Feminine Wealth TV, the show that uncovers the diamond tips on creating truly conscious wealth from change makers, world shakers and wealth creators. On this show today, I have a total change maker and she is the founder of Moeloco which is a social enterprise and I’m really excited to talk to her about how we can use business to create change in her world. Kathy Wong, welcome to the show.

Kathy Wong: Thanks Barbara for having me on.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. I’m excited to finally explore this topic of how … As women, we love to get … You and I have talked about this before, but how do we use our businesses as a vehicle to really give in in the right way? First of all, tell me a little bit about Moeloco.

Kathy Wong: Sure. Now look, thank you again for having me on. Moeloco translated means dream crazy. It’s two words I’ve combined. Moe comes from Uhane which is a Hawaiian word that means dream and loco is the Latin word for crazy, and this is really my crazy stream here and believe me Barbara, I have loads and loads of crazy dreams.

Barbara Turley: Oh, wow. Okay.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. I really wanted to inspire other women to go out there and chase dreams. The craziest the dreams, the bigger the dreams, the better because I know that if we do that, we can just make so much difference to the people.

Barbara Turley: Absolutely. Yeah.

Kathy Wong: When I say that, to do this, I thought, “If I could just touch one person, that would be enough.” Then I discovered that in doing that, it’s that ripple effect. You touch one person, and then they touched another person and that’s really how this came into being creating a community of people who were all inspired to go out and chase those big crazy dreams.

Barbara Turley: Moeloco, tell me about … Basically the structure of it is there’s a course attached to the business. Does the course drives the business’ vision?

Kathy Wong: It very much does. It very much does.

Barbara Turley: Tell me about the course because you’re selling the product obviously to support the course.

Kathy Wong: Sure. My whole purpose in creating Moeloco is all around a social course business. I wanted to create awareness around poverty and what is happening out there with 22,000 children a day dying, 1 billion people in poverty and I just thought, “What can I do to make a difference?” Then, I came up with the flip flop as my vehicle to deliver that message. It’s a social enterprise which is a business model where we create profit, so that the more profit we create, the more we can actually give as opposed to an NGO, not for profit business around.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. Okay. No, I love that. I love that. Tell me about the charity of the course that is attached to the business?

Kathy Wong: Yeah. Well, we actually work through our charity partner, The Hope Foundation and that is an amazing organization that was begun by a lady called Maureen, one of your fellows.

Barbara Turley: She’s an Irish woman.

Kathy Wong: Yeah, she is.

Barbara Turley: Exactly. Yeah.

Kathy Wong: Maureen is an unbelievable woman who 35 years ago was very, very touched by Mother Teresa. I’m not sure if she actually met her or if there was actually a direct encounter, or she just knew of her work and she’s very inspired by her. She went off to Kolkata and she saw the plight of children there and she just felt like she had to do something.

Barbara Turley: Did she end up staying there?

Kathy Wong: She did stay there for a little while.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. I’ve think I heard of that. I think I’ve heard the story.

Kathy Wong: She goes back in Cork. She comes from Cork.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. Right. Okay. Fantastic.

Kathy Wong: We have collaborated with them because they’re on the ground in Kolkata. They had something like 16 orphanages. They’ve got a hospital. They have a numerous training facilities as well, so it was natural for us to tap into that rather than trying …

Barbara Turley: Trying to create your own. Trying to create a foundation. It’s a beautiful thing.

Kathy Wong: It is.

Barbara Turley: Really the end game I guess in what you’re doing is help the children there, so it’s their foundation or whatever where it happens is [crosstalk 00:04:12].

Kathy Wong: Exactly. We just don’t have the resources all the time. We need to work on the other parts of the business and then together with Hope, they can do the rest of the work.

Barbara Turley: Is this your first social enterprise as a business?

Kathy Wong: It sure is. Yeah.

Barbara Turley: Tell me because I know you’ve had other businesses before, where did the social enterprise idea come from? What’s been your journey to this point of doing this?

Kathy Wong: You know what? I was speaking to a friend the other day and I was saying because we only just started this, we opened our doors on November 23 after an eight-month gestation from the moment I had the idea to the moment we actually had the product and we’re ready to open shot. What’s really been a 20-year journey, it’s been a 20-year personal development journey which just keeps continuing and the learnings that I’m getting now with this business are unbelievable. Yeah.

Barbara Turley: Tell me about the businesses before. Were they in the same industry or have you had a spread of different businesses? Talk to me about the entrepreneurial journey …

Kathy Wong: Yeah. Sure. I trained as a designer, a graphic designer. My background has always been around design. That’s all I’ve ever known, and so my businesses were always around marketing, branding design, mostly in the area of corporate communication, so I was on the other side. Yeah. Mostly in the area of business to business working with corporates on the branding, on the communications, that was really what I did. I had no background in … Now we’re doing manufacturing really. We’re a manufacturer as well as a social course business.

Barbara Turley: I’m so interested to find out where was the moment where you said, “Now, I’m going to do. Here’s the vision.” You just wake up one morning and think …

Kathy Wong: I did.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. Like bubbles of lighting.

Kathy Wong: I literally did. I woke up, I remember at 3 am in the morning, February 19th, and I thought I was just waking up from a dream with this … It sounds really, really [inaudible 00:06:10] cliched I know but this is literally what happened, I woke up with these really strong words saying, “Make a difference.”

Barbara Turley: Wow.

Kathy Wong: I thought, “Okay.” After I woke up, I thought, “This is just a dream,” but it just kept coming up really strongly in front of my face. I couldn’t get away from that, and so I sat with that, I don’t know if maybe a week or two.

Barbara Turley: You really just didn’t know what to do it as well? When we make a difference, when we all think, “What can I do?” That’s always the thing.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. Exactly. We’re constantly bombarded by those messages, but it got to a point where I just couldn’t ignore it and so, I needed to go and explore that. Yeah. I thought, “Well, how am I going to do this? I have no idea.”

Barbara Turley: [crosstalk 00:06:55] Where do you go? Because I think generally women out there, there’s a lot of them feeling like that but feeling frustrated or just disappointed because they have just think, “Well, what can I do? Where do I go?” We tend to put these things away in the box and think, “I’ll do that someday.”

Kathy Wong: That’s right.

Barbara Turley: That’s for people with money, or that’s for people who’s not like me. Where did you go to get that sense of support?

Kathy Wong: Yeah. God, that was interesting. Because I went through all of the same stuff and I still do. It’s like, “Well, who am I? How can I do this? I’m just a nobody.”

Barbara Turley: Who are you not to though?

Kathy Wong: Exactly.

Barbara Turley: That’s what I say to people like … Like us, we’ve had the privilege of being brought up in the wealthiest parts of the world. We’ve had amazing educations. Who are we not to do this?

Kathy Wong: This is right. It took me a little while to get that. Then, I now realized that everyone wants to make a difference as you said, they just don’t know how to do that. Not everyone needs to start a business to do that.

Barbara Turley: No, there’s another ways.

Kathy Wong: There are so many ways, so many forms of contribution. Yeah. I thought, “Right. Okay. How am I going to do this?”

Barbara Turley: “You knew first. Just don’t do this to me.” Yeah.

Kathy Wong: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Okay. I just started with sharing affirmations, sharing positive quotes because that’s what I always turn to for inspiration particularly moments where I was more overwhelmed, I might have been in despair, I found that really cathartic and very supportive. I thought, “Okay. I’ll start sharing inspiration that way,” and then I thought, “Okay. I better check out social media. I don’t know anything about social media.”

Barbara Turley: Okay. Because we’re pretty good on it these days.

Kathy Wong: Well, I think I might have progressed from the L plates maybe to the P plates.

Barbara Turley: All right.

Kathy Wong: I’ve still got a lot more to go. Yeah. I started the Facebook page under the name of Sol Republic. I then started sharing this quote, sharing these messages and it didn’t take too long actually before I realized there was a community of people following me, and I was making a difference to some people.

Barbara Turley: Well, I remember one of your quotes. Actually, I have the little card, the [inaudible 00:09:11] notes.

Kathy Wong: Oh, great.

Barbara Turley: I have that picture on my desk. It’s a little card and it’s beautiful, that [inaudible 00:09:16] and actually you’ll probably see, I’ll get a picture [inaudible 00:09:19] now and it says, “One woman can make a difference, together we can change the world.”

Kathy Wong: Yes. We can change. Exactly.

Barbara Turley: I’m even tingling talking about that and I leave that on my desk.

Kathy Wong: Oh, wow. Fantastic.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. You gave that to me.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. Wow. That was a while ago.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. That’s how I met you back then.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. That’s right.

Barbara Turley: That’s the very beginning.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. Well, that’s how it started. Then I thought, “I need to make more of a difference. Okay. This is great. Where can I take this from here?” I thought, “Okay. What if I could share these same messages, put it on some product?”

Barbara Turley: Yeah. Okay.

Kathy Wong: Because I wanted it to be something that would travel with people and be something that they could carry with them, and be continuously reminded and not just be something that they saw when they hopped on to their computer or they looked at, as you said, post card. It’s something that they could actually have with them all the time. I thought product led me to the product.

Barbara Turley: Then, I’m interested though as well because I actually … Totally the reason I have you on the show, I so admire you because you have gone from small business, one business like graphic and creative into social enterprise which is like it’s a big undertaking to do that. I’m very inspired by the fact that you’ve gone this through.

Kathy Wong: Well, thank you.

Barbara Turley: Again, you got the product and I’m probably diving really into this but I love just finding out the nitty-gritty of it. The product came to life and when was the moment where you’ve realized even what is the social enterprise? Because lots of people think, not for profit or business, they never think the two can merge which is what you’ve thought.

Kathy Wong: Yes, that’s right. Well, I just started getting really interested. Look, about seven years ago when I was traveling, I came across Toms. Do you know Toms? Which is a company that started in America by a guy called Blake Mycoskie and he was actually on the great Amazing Race, that was one of his class to find back then, and he saw the plight of children in Guatemala, it was, saw that they had no shoes. He got very enrolled in that whole situation, so he decided to come back to America and create a business where he was going to make shoes and he was going to then donate those same shoes to children without shoes. He was always one of my heroes. That was always the …

Barbara Turley: That was actually bubbling in the back of your head for a long time?

Kathy Wong: That was bubbling. Yeah. Then, when I started looking at other businesses who were doing the same type of thing. That’s how they’ve got on to my radar, although that was about six or seven years ago. It was just somewhere [crosstalk 00:11:53].

Barbara Turley: Well, I think lots of us have seeds planters that percolate for a long time before we realized what it’s for.

Kathy Wong: Exactly.

Barbara Turley: Are you on your own in this business or do you have a business partner?

Kathy Wong: Yeah.

Barbara Turley: Just you?

Kathy Wong: It’s just me.

Barbara Turley: You’ve done so amazingly well. The flip flops, I love the fact that they leave the footprints.

Kathy Wong: Yes. The footprints in the sand [inaudible 00:12:13].

Barbara Turley: The footprints in the sand [inaudible 00:12:14] messages. That’s a beautiful idea.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. It is fun. Yeah. Well, we just wanted the product itself to be inspirational because at the end of the day, we’re about inspiration first and connection. Then, people could then see how that would then move into the course and even if people aren’t necessary going to support our course, if I could inspire other people to also create …

Barbara Turley: To create something similar? Yeah.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. One of the ladies actually on Facebook has actually now been so inspired that she started her own social enterprise so I thought, “Wow.”

Barbara Turley: Yeah. That’s beautiful.

Kathy Wong: To be able to have people doing their own projects, that’s also a part of it.

Barbara Turley: Now, an area I’d love to touch on obviously because all of this stuff is fantastic but there’s obviously still a business end. You still have to actually make money and you have to get this business structure and all of these different things. When you went to produce, manufacture the first lot of flip flops, had you pre-sell them or did you just buy in a whole consignment of them within the hope that they’d sell? What was the kind of strategy around that?

Kathy Wong: Yeah. There’s a lot of hope. We did do some market research. We ran some focus groups where we actually show mock ups. We tested the idea but there’s only a certain amount of testing you can do because at the end of the day, it’s like showing me the money, that’s when you really know …

Barbara Turley: People actually vote with their wallets.

Kathy Wong: Exactly. What I did when I say we, what I did was I actually look for the minimum quantity that I could have made. Then of course, it was like, “Well, there’s so many designs. Which designs will we go with?”

Barbara Turley: Oh, because they won’t make as more quantity of 10 different designs?

Kathy Wong: Yeah. Exactly. We just made some decisions again based on the research and then of course, there was a lot of [guts 00:14:06] that had to go into their decision as well.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. Intuition.

Kathy Wong: Intuition. Yeah.

Barbara Turley: Well, that’s the whole thing. At some point, you have to take the jump. There is risk in everything.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. You do. You have to take the jump. You can only do so much calculation and projection and then you just got to go with that jump.

Barbara Turley: What’s been the most successful thing that you’ve done so far that has produced the best kind of results for you on the business side of things do you think?

Kathy Wong: Well, it would have to be social media.

Barbara Turley: Yeah.

Kathy Wong: It really would have to be that because I’ve come from a base of zero to then creating a community and being a startup, no budget.

Barbara Turley: Yeah, I know. Yeah. Yeah.

Kathy Wong: On the marketing, you know what that’s like whereas social media, we have now access to so many potential people. We’re on the same level of playing field now with the big guys, with the big dollars. We have access to all of those resources now.

Barbara Turley: I think as well, because I’ve watched you grow on social media and I’ve watched people share the stuff and I really think like the flip flops are great, I have a pair, they’re fantastic. It’s the cost that makes people actually share your stuff even more, I think. [inaudible 00:15:17] because I just feel it’s added so much rate to the business that you’re doing. If you were just selling flip flops …

Kathy Wong: No, I don’t think we’d be the same.

Barbara Turley: I don’t think it would work.

Kathy Wong: No.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. I don’t think it would work.

Kathy Wong: No. Because we would then be compared to another flip flop company.

Barbara Turley: You’d be Havaianas or you’d be …

Kathy Wong: Exactly.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. [crosstalk 00:15:33].

Kathy Wong: There’s like many of those, because it’s been interesting. Some people buy them very much because they love the design and then, they love the fact that they can imprint their messages in the sand. Then, of course it’s a social course. Depending on the person, there’s different waiting but at the end of the day, it’s all those three components that they love.

Barbara Turley: I know from my perspective, it made me feel [inaudible 00:16:00] thing of what can I do. Actually to feel like you’re buying a product and you’re actually contributing in such a great amazing level and being part of this community, I’m just thinking so many businesses out there could actually bring this element into their businesses and create a lot more abundance, I guess in their own business and in society in general.

Kathy Wong: Well, that’s right and that’s what I’m trying to inspire people to do that because business people have so much access, don’t they?

Barbara Turley: Oh, yes. Yeah.

Kathy Wong: If I can inspire other businesses, that will then filter down to everybody. That’s why that part is just so exciting to me.

Barbara Turley: I love that too, because one of my big philosophies and we’ve talked about this but I will say, at the end of the day, money and wealth, they’re such powerful things and business and all of these things as vehicles to create change, epic change. The possibilities are endless unless human beings in the society were not using these things in the most effective way to create change everywhere.

Kathy Wong: That’s right.

Barbara Turley: More of these I think would be … Some people, I think would say a social enterprise, the truth of the thing is that you’re giving before you’re making but actually what you’ve seen is that you were actually more successful on the whole because there’s a course attached, I think as well.

Kathy Wong: Yes, that’s right. Running the two things parallel. There’s just so many social enterprises now emerging, and it’s happening. What’s really exciting is it’s happening with small businesses.

Barbara Turley: Small businesses [crosstalk 00:17:29].

Kathy Wong: They’re leading the way.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. Which is absolutely fabulous. Then, tell me what’s the next stages for the business for the enterprise? I know you’re just having a startup at this stage. I feel you’ve hit that recognition point to sell some of the flip flops, people know what it is you’re doing. What’s the next level for you?

Kathy Wong: We’ll dominate.

Barbara Turley: Of course. Yes. Yeah.

Kathy Wong: Look, it’s really looking in our distribution channels and looking at how we get that message out there to as many people as we can and one of the reasons of picking the shoes apart from the growth parallel, here we’ve got children in the world with no shoes, some are dying because they had no shoes, then in countries like Australia where the average Australian has five pairs of shoes and they made good times, holidays, it’s a very, very different story as to what they mean to us to these children, right? That was one of the reasons I picked the flip flop. Second reason is because I needed a product that had mass appeal that I could fill lots of units because to create the impact that I want to create, I needed that volume.

Barbara Turley: Each pair of flip flops that gets sold gives a pair of shoes to a child?

Kathy Wong: That’s right.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. You need to sell loads of pairs of flip flops you couldn’t be having [inaudible 00:18:56]. Yeah, right.

Kathy Wong: Yes, exactly. Exactly. With the way flip flops are, they are very mature products. It’s the fastest growing footwear products in the world, and so that gave me another aspect of a very … I knew that was a proven business product that would work.

Barbara Turley: Yeah.

Kathy Wong: That was another reason to choose that. Yeah. Going forward, it’s about really now securing where we’ve come from and building upon that to create a lot more awareness and to create more distribution channels to get it out there.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. Would you like to see this product in … I don’t know. Was it going to Target? Would it be in the big … Is that what you’re sort of thinking? Thinking more [crosstalk 00:19:43]

Kathy Wong: No. We’re actually thinking we don’t want to take the traditional retail distribution channels because then it means we’re going to be compared to a position among side, like you said the Havaianas in the world and because it is really just the vehicle to get our message across, we want to look at very different channel. One of the areas that we’re now focusing heavily on is the area of collaboration and looking at particular in community groups like schools, corporates where we can actually sell big volumes and like one time, when you do with retail, sometimes it’s much smaller rooms.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. They push down price.

Kathy Wong: It’s different, different shoe.

Barbara Turley: Yeah.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. We’re looking for other organizations and communities where they can really resonate with what we’re doing, and so then we can get these numbers of people behind us in a quick way and hopefully the stronger way, and so that’s what we’re looking for.

Barbara Turley: Just spread the message around.

Kathy Wong: Spread the message. Yeah. Then, also this place is like wellness centers because they’re again resonating with that whole message of well-being.

Barbara Turley: The wellness community like the whole wellness phase in general can make it have lots of smaller distributors.

Kathy Wong: Exactly.

Barbara Turley: The studio and that sort of thing.

Kathy Wong: That’s right. Yeah. [inaudible 00:21:01] we’re already distributing through. Much more of those types of channels.

Barbara Turley: There’s a couple of things I really want to point out for the people watching is what I just love … Two things. Number one, there’s the course and the big why, but you really got a serious strategic business focus as well which is so importance because this thing has to work. In order for the course to work, the business has to work.

Kathy Wong: Yes.

Barbara Turley: Also, this distribution thing like so many people never really get this right for business that you need like distribution is leverage but you’re not getting discouraged by the fact that the big players are going to beat you down price. You’ve actually found a way to get great distribution of maintaining the kind of integrity of what you’re trying to do which is beautiful.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. As you said, that is just so important. Yeah. Look, I don’t think we can rely on one distribution channel where if it multiple channels and as you sit by particularly with product, distribution is everything.

Barbara Turley: Everything. It’s absolutely funny.

Kathy Wong: You can have a fantastic product, but if you cannot get it to [inaudible 00:22:06] of people …

Barbara Turley: [crosstalk 00:22:06].

Kathy Wong: Yeah. That is a huge, huge lesson at the moment.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. Distribution and to be honest with you, it’s with any … To be honest, anything in business is huge.

Kathy Wong: Even business to business. Yeah. That’s right.

Barbara Turley: Everything. [crosstalk 00:22:17]. That’s leverage right there. Yeah.

Kathy Wong: Exactly.

Barbara Turley: Yeah.

Kathy Wong: Yes. A lot of lessons still to learn and just getting out there and talking to as many people and collaboration. That’s really important because I mentioned earlier that one of the other passions behind this project is the passion to connect to people and inspire them to create the community because we know that we can’t do things on our own and that’s where the power lies.

Barbara Turley: The power of the community.

Kathy Wong: The power of the community. We create extraordinary results and we have lots of people [interacting 00:22:53].

Barbara Turley: The collective, especially energy is when it comes together and it’s amazing because you don’t feel so alone then.

Kathy Wong: No.

Barbara Turley: Even someone like you or me, we are in our own businesses but we don’t feel alone.

Kathy Wong: No, that’s right. Exactly. We’re going to get that others and the energy to bounce off one another and support one another.

Barbara Turley: Now tell me, what has been the hardest thing? What’s been the hardest challenge that you face since launching this business? We all have challenges.

Kathy Wong: You’re right. Which [inaudible 00:23:16] the hardest one exactly.

Barbara Turley: Give me a few of the hard ones.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. I’ve got to say one of the hardest ones probably is myself.

Barbara Turley: Isn’t that it? I’m trying to [inaudible 00:23:26] too. I think a lot of women would say that.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. Getting out of my own way to know that when I have those moments of doubt, those moments of, “Am I doing the right thing? How can I possibly do this?” Trusting myself knowing that, “Yes, of course I can and it’s perfectly okay.” There will be doubt when that happens just in a [inaudible 00:23:50].

Barbara Turley: We all have those days. We just really keeps remembering because I think sometimes we see each other at functions, particularly in social media. On social media, of course you made yourself look amazing but there’s always the reality in the background. When people often say to me, “Oh my god, you just look like you’re everywhere and you’re doing all these stuff.” I go, “You don’t see my office. You don’t see what it’s really like.” It’s on a day to day basis when I have those days as well or I think like for me, I think things like, “Am I making a fool of myself?” Do you know what I mean?

Kathy Wong: Yes, exactly.

Barbara Turley: [crosstalk 00:24:22] saying all these things. Who’s going to listen to me?

Kathy Wong: Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Barbara Turley: We all have those favorites.

Kathy Wong: That’s right. Just to know that that’s okay, it’s natural.

Barbara Turley: Yeah.

Kathy Wong: I think it’s your ability to ride through that.

Barbara Turley: That makes you successful.

Kathy Wong: Yeah. That to me at the end of the day, the difference between a person who maybe has a dream and the person who actually hope to take that dream.

Barbara Turley: Execute the dream.

Kathy Wong: Executes it and makes it reality.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. It’s the physical realm of something that you’re trying …

Kathy Wong: That’s right. I think that’s been my biggest challenge. I’ve had lots of challenges like all of us but that one has come up big time with what I’ve been doing because there’s just so many areas that I have no experience in. In that, I’ve made sure that I have found people who have that expertise.

Barbara Turley: That’s the thing again, a collaboration of surrounding yourself as people who can support you or help you.

Kathy Wong: Exactly.

Barbara Turley: It doesn’t always have to be people you pay because sometimes like we chat, we will chat at functions and the names.

Kathy Wong: That’s right. People do want to help one another and that’s probably the other part, learning to ask for help.

Barbara Turley: Yeah, that’s true.

Kathy Wong: Women are not very good at that, right?

Barbara Turley: No. Because we go out there and try and be like, “Hi. How’s everything going?” “It’s great.” You think, “It’s no.” Your husband would say, “Oh, really?”

Kathy Wong: Oh, yeah. Exactly. They know.

Barbara Turley: They know. Yeah.

Kathy Wong: Yeah, exactly. We’re very good at giving others help, but we’re not so good at asking for it.

Barbara Turley: Asking or admitting that we need.

Kathy Wong: Admitting it.

Barbara Turley: Yeah. That we need.

Kathy Wong: Then receiving as well.

Barbara Turley: Receiving the help. Yeah. Well, that’s a fantastic point, I think to end. Look, if people want to connect with you and they want to hear more about what you’re doing, where should they go? Your website.

Kathy Wong: Sure. I’d love you to come to our website, and you can find us …

Barbara Turley: It’s here right now.

Kathy Wong: That’s right. You can find us on mostly Facebook and Instagram but if you go to our website, you’ll be able to find all the various options you have to get in touch and we’d love to hear from you.

Barbara Turley: Great. Listen Kathy, thank you so much. I’m just so excited to have this topic on the show. I think it’s fantastic.

Kathy Wong: Thank you so much.

Barbara Turley: Thank you again for joining for another week and remember, you can catch me later this week on my Wealth Unplugged Podcast where I’m going to be talking about my key takers from my chat with Kathy today. Until next week. Have a great week and we’ll see you then.

Haven’t got time to watch the full show?

Then hop on over to the Wealth Unplugged Podcast where I share my quick take on these 3 key points.

I would love to hear your insights from this interview.. Please share in the comments below..


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